A blog! Can you believe it, just what the world needs, another blog.
What can I say, I am inspired.
Last fall, while I was promoting my business, Kistner Supply, and the latest edition of our keepsake baby book, Mother Stork’s Baby Book, I turned to three all-star bloggers who were great supporters of mine from the early days of my buisness: Nicole Feliciano of MomTrends, Liz Gumbinner of CoolMomPicks and Gabrielle Blair of DesignMom.
These ladies amaze me! While I was was struggling to raise two kids and run a small business, these women were rocking their mom-lives and have created reputations as the go-to experts on everything moms want and need for modern families. I “met” each of them over a decade ago when I was first introducing the world to Mother Stork’s Baby Book. I found their support vital to the health of my business and the creation of my new products.
Fast forward through the past ten years: now that my littlest one has started Kindergarten, I needed to put myself back “out there” to promote my business and support my family. I turned to Nicole, Liz and Gabby for help and again they came through for me with unmatched support and enthusiasm.