A blog! Can you believe it, just what the world needs, another blog.
What can I say, I am inspired.
Last fall, while I was promoting my business, Kistner Supply, and the latest edition of our keepsake baby book, Mother Stork’s Baby Book, I turned to three all-star bloggers who were great supporters of mine from the early days of my buisness: Nicole Feliciano of MomTrends, Liz Gumbinner of CoolMomPicks and Gabrielle Blair of DesignMom.
These ladies amaze me! While I was was struggling to raise two kids and run a small business, these women were rocking their mom-lives and have created reputations as the go-to experts on everything moms want and need for modern families. I “met” each of them over a decade ago when I was first introducing the world to Mother Stork’s Baby Book. I found their support vital to the health of my business and the creation of my new products.
Fast forward through the past ten years: now that my littlest one has started Kindergarten, I needed to put myself back “out there” to promote my business and support my family. I turned to Nicole, Liz and Gabby for help and again they came through for me with unmatched support and enthusiasm.
Within a couple of months #MomBoss Nicole had taken my book with her to promote it at the LA Baby Show, and wrote an amazingly heartfelt review of the book on her blog. Liz was as wonderful and open as always and chose to include the new edition of Mother Stork’s Baby Book in CoolMomPicks 2016 holiday guide. And Gabby gave me an opportunity!
Back in 2008, Gabby edited a home tour and interview of our former house for Cookie Magazine (do you remember Cookie?!) during the time I was promoting Kistner Supply’s new Cashmere Collection. After I contacted Gabby most recently she asked if I would be interested in another home tour. Sounded great to me! I got in touch with her wonderful home tour editor, Karey, and I was able to get on the docket right away with a holiday tour – it was time to get to work! It took a few weeks to style my home, take the photos, edit the photos and answer the interview questions, but with all of us working together, we pulled it off. Please check out the interview by clicking the link below.
The end result is something I am very proud of. It truly reflects my attitude toward the kind of life I want for my family.
As a result of working on the tour and interview, I became reacquainted with my passion for decorating, a calling that had taken a backseat when children came along. When my oldest child, Trixie, was born I was too tired to be passionate about much other than our amazing new child and my role as her mom. And after Harper was born 4.5 years later, I lost all memory of my previous talent for decor. So, now I am geared up and ready to go. I hope to share things about our family living in our 150-year-old home in the country that will inspire people to hold on tight to their true calling and just see what happens.